Greetings, loved ones.
It’s December 4th, 2019. 10:14 pm. Just had my first nighttime walk in our neighborhood in Anaheim Hills. Quite a nice night out.
So here I go again. Another start. Another attempt to write on a regular basis. Will I survive this time? God only knows. But I can’t stop trying. The urge to write and try to be some kind of positive influence in the world will never leave me. It will gnaw at me until the day I die, unless I give it my time and energy.
Life. I’m so passionate about life. I really want to live life to the fullest and help other people do the same. That’s my goal. Help people find life. That’s why my main blog is called Finding Life. Makes sense, right?
My WordPress is jacked up. I can’t even see what I’m typing right now. What a drag. So here we go again. Let the warfare, the resistance, begin. I’m completely typing blindly right now. So here I am wanting to write, and I can’t even see what I’m typing. Fantastic.